Enya Writes
1 min readMay 4, 2021


Just Do It

I’m staring at my computer screen, swallowed by debilitating anxiety — the same anxiety that has encapsulated me the past 7 years since I entered adulthood. Ever since I left my parents’ house after quitting law school with the promise of pursuing my dreams in rebellion to what they wanted for me which was to get a law degree, I haven’t written anything noteworthy. Instead, I’ve worked as a freelance copywriter. This line of job has made me even more cynical about my loftier goals and over the years, I have tuned out that voice inside me that screams: write something of value, if not to the world, then to yourself!

For sure, it’s not a new story. We all heard it before: the struggling 20s something writer who is disillusioned by the world and herself/himself. Between paying bills and staying sane from the pressure of earning a living, there’s barely any time left for self-care, let alone for creative pursuits.

It took me 7 years to do something about it. Maybe I’m just tired of my own head telling me I can’t do anything unless I do it perfectly. Well, here I am, replaying Nike’s famous lines in my head while I type furiously on my laptop: JUST DO IT.

I don’t know if starting this blog will bring me any kind of peace or a sense of accomplishment. I do know that I can’t rest until I spill my thoughts on paper — I mean on screen.

We’ll see how this goes, I guess.

